Tell Me More: The Idea

A conversation with a good friend inspired the making of ‘Tell Me More.’ Online content creation and consumption is at an all time high. At such high volumes, social media can feel like an endless ocean of content.

Finding intimate experiences online is rare. People find themselves mindlessly scrolling for hours with little stimulation or authentic interaction. In a given hour of scrolling, one, perhaps two posts will be interesting enough to captivate you.

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Online Community

The problem resides in a lack of Online Community. ‘There’s an entire universe of content to explore, but no place to call home’ my friend said to me. Their words stuck in my mind for days.

In response I came up with ‘Tell Me More.’ The app takes a unique approach to social media message boards and the algorithms behind them in order to curate a tailored experience for every user.

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Tell Me More: The Design


Upon creating a post, called a ‘Thought,’ replies from users are either approved or hidden by the uploader. If approved, the response can be seen by all users that access the thread. Approved replies can receive likes from other users, pushing it higher up the thread.

The Comment Section

The creator of the ‘Thought’ maintaining control over their comment section is key. Creators can even block certain words/ phrases sent via comment, further minimizing mistreatment on the platform.

Keeping each thread concentrated invites users to take part in an intimate community. Posts that a user interacts with will influence their daily feed. With a keyword based algorithm, users may find themselves in familiar groups over time.

Ui Design

For the design I wanted to simulate a quirky pixelated style. The deep colorway is soothing to create a sense of comfort for the user.

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Tell Me More: The Future

‘Tell Me More’ is still a work in progress and will be updated in the future. Over time I’d like to continue developing the concept and its functionality, as well as improving the interface design overall. The project thus far has given me a great learning experience and has tested my abilities, not only in design but in the execution of creative thinking. I’m glad I had that conversation with my friend.

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Designed in Illustrator, Photoshop, and Figma.

Tell Me More: The Idea

A conversation with a good friend inspired the making of ‘Tell Me More.’ Online content creation and consumption is at an all time high. At such high volumes, social media can feel like an endless ocean of content.

Finding intimate experiences online is rare. People find themselves mindlessly scrolling for hours with little stimulation or authentic interaction. In a given hour of scrolling, one, perhaps two posts will be interesting enough to captivate you.

Online Community

The problem resides in a lack of Online Community. ‘There’s an entire universe of content to explore, but no place to call home’ my friend said to me. Their words stuck in my mind for days.

In response I came up with ‘Tell Me More.’ The app takes a unique approach to social media message boards and the algorithms behind them in order to curate a tailored experience for every user.

Tell Me More: The Design


Upon creating a post, called a ‘Thought,’ replies from users are either approved or hidden by the uploader. If approved, the response can be seen by all users that access the thread. Approved replies can receive likes from other users, pushing it higher up the thread.

The Comment Section

The creator of the ‘Thought’ maintaining control over their comment section is key. Creators can even block certain words/ phrases sent via comment, further minimizing mistreatment on the platform.

Keeping each thread concentrated invites users to take part in an intimate community. Posts that a user interacts with will influence their daily feed. With a keyword based algorithm, users may find themselves in familiar groups over time.

Ui Design

For the design I wanted to simulate a quirky pixelated style. The deep colorway is soothing to create a sense of comfort for the user.

Tell Me More: The Future

‘Tell Me More’ is still a work in progress and will be updated in the future. Over time I’d like to continue developing the concept and its functionality, as well as improving the interface design overall. The project thus far has given me a great learning experience and has tested my abilities, not only in design but in the execution of creative thinking. I’m glad I had that conversation with a friend.

Designed in Illustrator, Photoshop, and Figma.